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Artificial selection is the identification by humans of desirable traits in plants and animals, and the steps taken to enhance and perpetuate those traits in future generations. Artificial selection works the same way as natural selection, except that with natural selection it is nature, not human interference, that makes these decisions.

Like many animals kept in human captivity, mating pairs of pigeons are often paired together based on their genetics to achieve the most desirable traits in their offspring.

Artificial Selection - Ipos De Body Artificial Selection

, the British naturalist and biologist Charles Darwin highlighted the physical traits and behaviors of several species of bird called finches. During a voyage in the 1830s, Darwin had observed these birds on the Galápagos Islands, a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean west of South America.

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Sometimes summed up by the phrase “survival of the fittest, ” natural selection is based on the following principles: In nature, organisms produce more offspring than are able to survive and reproduce. Offspring with traits that make them more likely to survive, mature, and reproduce in the environment they inhabit pass on their traits to the next generation.

As this happens generation after generation, natural selection acts as a kind of sieve, or a remover of undesirable traits. Organisms therefore gradually become better-suited for their environment. If the environment changes, natural selection will then push organisms to evolve in a different direction to adapt to their new circumstances.

How does this relate to finches? On the Galápagos Islands, some finches appeared so different from others that Darwin did not realize at first that they were all finches. In fact, they were different species of finches with a variety of traits. Some finches, for instance, had long, narrow beaks, while others had short, thick beaks. Darwin concluded that the traits of the different populations of finches had changed over time, and that these variations were related to different environments in the islands. Each type of beak had evolved for a specific task. Where there was a large supply of seeds on the ground, for instance, short-beaked finches became more common, because these beaks were better at cracking open the seeds. Where cactus plants were more common, finches developed long, narrow beaks to extract pollen and nectar from cactus flowers.

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Darwin’s finches constituted powerful evidence for natural selection. But Darwin was also inspired greatly by the evolution that he saw in the traits of pigeons, not due to natural selection but rather artificial selection. Breeding pigeons was a popular hobby in England in Darwin’s time. By selecting which pigeons were allowed to mate, people had a profound effect on their appearance, such as the shape and size of their beaks and the color of their feathers.

Dog breeding is another prime example of artificial selection. Although all dogs are descendants of the wolf, the use of artificial selection has allowed humans to drastically alter the appearance of dogs. For centuries, dogs have been bred for various desired characteristics, leading to the creation of a wide range of dogs, from the tiny Chihuahua to the massive Great Dane.

Artificial Selection - Ipos De Body Artificial Selection

Artificial selection has long been used in agriculture to produce animals and crops with desirable traits. The meats sold today are the result of the selective breeding of chickens, cattle, sheep, and pigs. Many fruits and vegetables have been improved or even created through artificial selection. For example, broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage were all derived from the wild mustard plant through selective breeding. Artificial selection appeals to humans since it is faster than natural selection and allows humans to mold organisms to their needs.

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Artificial Selection, The Breed Of Desirable Characteristics - Ipos De Body Artificial Selection

If a media asset is downloadable, a download button appears in the corner of the media viewer. If no button appears, you cannot download or save the media.Charles Darwin introduced the term Artificial Selection in his book ‘On the Origin of Species (1859). Darwin Artificial selection happened at HMS Beagle when he returned from England to Galapagos Island. He studied finches on the island, then for explaining his ”theory of evolution” he used artificial selection as proof. He bred pigeons in his garden to experiment and observe different traits passed from one to another by selecting a desirable trait; he bred the two pigeons with that same trait and enhanced their chances of being passed on to their offspring.

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Artificial Selection or Selective Breeding is a process in which humans select the desired trait to pass in next-generation offspring of plants or animals.

Artificial selection in animals such as dogs, the gray wolf is a pure form; this common ancestor bred to produce different types of dogs like Dane, chihuahua, slowest bulldog, greyhound for hunting. Dog hybrids are popular, such as Labrador retriever and poodle makes labradoodle, and breeding between pug and beagle makes puggle. Dog evolution showed a variety of breeds due to selective pressure; many traits disappeared because of selective breeding, but feral dogs don’t become wolves again. A change was in their behavior and physical appearance. An example of Moscow dogs as- the loss of traits like spots on their body, a wagging tail, friendly nature that contrasts domestic dogs from wolves. The stray dog’s living was becoming difficult, so selective breeding made them evolve into four types- according to one biologist, Andrei Poyarkov; he studied dogs for 30 years and observed the four types 1) guard dogs are for security. 2) Scavengers evolved to roam around the city looking for garbage. 3) Wild-wolf-like dogs are for hunting. 4) Beggar dogs have different behavior; they communicate with people and eat street food. They can travel in subways, remember stations, that’s why they’re ‘metro dogs. The example of dogs showed how evolution happened and, selective breeding brings out new breeds of dogs.

Evolution: Sexual Selection & Artificial Selection - Ipos De Body Artificial Selection

) leads to evolving of cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli. The cabbage came into existence by selecting a short petiole. Selection of arrested flower developed in wild cabbage forms broccoli. By selecting sterile flowers, cauliflower formation happened. Swollen parts of wild cabbage developed into a variety called kohlrabi and kale by large leaves selection.

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The wild ancestor of corn is teosinte. In ancient times, farmers selectively bred corn kernels according to their needs to improve the corn plants. Farmers picked specific characteristics like the ability to grow in different climate conditions, based on soil type, and high amount of kernels production, increase in yield and, seeds used to save for next season. The ability of corn to grow in different varieties was skilled breeding and diverse genetics. By improvement and climatic condition adaptation, flint corn developed as it holds large seeds. Another variety that exists is Pueblo corn, which can grow in a cold and wet climate; the specialty of this corn is- easy to grind and highly productive. So, in 1930 George Beadle observed the relationship between the teosinte and maize. He showed there was high compatibility between the chromosomes of teosinte and maize. He produced hybrids of them and observed their characteristics in offspring. Five genes were responsible for differences in the teosinte and maize strains. Application of inbreeding and hybridization artificial corn was introduced in 2014 and is available in 5 colors white, yellow, dark red, deep purple, blue-black. The offspring of artificially bred corn have the same genes, traits, and DNA as their bred parents. So, either homozygous dominant or homozygous recessive crossed to have purebred offspring.

Artificial selection in cows led to high yields of milk and meat. Due to selective breeding, new breeds that came into existence could tolerate climatic conditions. An example is the Holstein cow that produces 72, 000 pounds of milk. Artificial insemination:- A process in which sperm cells are collected from a male cow and inserted into the female reproductive tract manually. By this technique, males produced better offspring, and a semen dilution makes it easy to transport it in different countries to different female cattle. Many doses are prepared in one ejaculation and easily stored for future use. 

Artificial Selection Increased Body Weight But Induced Increase Of Runs Of Homozygosity In Hanwoo Cattle - Ipos De Body Artificial Selection

Artificial insemination also reduced disease transmission; screening was performed for pathogen availability and semen analysis for quality. Female offspring (calves) produced by insemination have a longer life and good udder quality. Milk production is good in quantity and quality, but selective breeding affects fertility in herds.

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Two animals mating in unrelated 4-6 generations back results in high genetic variation in traits. Outcrossing hides undesirable traits by keeping them recessive; this works best for desirable dominant genes. Outcrossing


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